Trope June updates

First images of Codex...

In May we exhibited ‘Codex’, an audio-visual, immersive and interactive sculpture, commissioned by Arts Council, England, arts NK, Lincolnshire County Council, Diocese of Lincoln and Altered Spaces. Codex, an 18ft high allegory for the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela was shown in St James Church, Dry Doddington. The installation was immersive with interactive sound. Local bell-ringers performed a wonderful choral piece written by Bruno at the PV. We are still cutting the interviews and footage - watch this space !

Carol, Doctor of the D-Scope!

Delighted to announce that on 10th June, Carol successfully defended her PhD thesis, entitled Choreographing Time: Developing a System of Screen-less Animation, presented towards the degree of
PhD in Arts and Computing Technology at Goldsmiths, University of London.

The examiners were Dr. Nick Lambert and Professor Ernest Edmonds.


Upcoming Demo and Talk by Trope: ‘Choreographing time: animation without a screen’
On 3rd July 2014 at The Thursday Club, Centre for Creative Collaboration, 14 Acton st, Kings Cross, London WC1X 9NG
Click here for more info



Many of you will be relieved to hear that the Diasynchronoscope has now been rechristened the D-Scope® and is registered as UK Trademark, where it is defined as: Audio-visual apparatus which creates a system of apparent motion using concrete physical objects lit sequentially.

Brussels – May 12th 2014

Artist residency for ICT & ART Connect, funded by EU FP7 (Future Emerging Technologies) A cross-disciplinary collaboration (with Neil Mendoza) which resulted in an exhibition and presentation of ButterflyLite in Brussels at the European Parliament.

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