Gestalt Circle (2013)

(video projector, expanded polystyrene cups, speakers) 

Exhibited at Kinetica Art Fair, London – Feb 2012 (Also shown at CAe Computational Aesthetics, Annecy, France – June 2012)

Gestalt Circle is a meditation on animating through selective attention and forms an architectural extension of Gestalt founder‚ Max Wertheimer’s experiments in phi and beta movement. In this centennial meditation, the humble polystyrene coffee cup is transformed from detritus to ephemeral beauty. Multiple cups are arranged in space, then lit in sequence to create apparent movement in two ways: beta and phi. The individual (beta) movement – free, organic and playful – breaks away from the regimented and replicated (phi) mechanical movement and then returns to it in a continuous cycle. Gestalt Circle synthesizes digital and analogue technology: the non-recyclable coffee cups are resuscitated and reframed by digital technology, allowing the artists to re-animate throwaway objects in a unique, ghostly ballet, using the diasynchronic technique.

 Paths for Gestalt Circle
Paths for Gestalt Circle


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